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Publication Clearance Forms

JANNAF requires all media (papers, presentations, posters, etc.) to be submitted with a clearance form in order to ensure proper marking and distribution of CUI and classified materials.

There are three categories of clearance forms, depending on which government entity sponsored the work:

  1. DoD Sponsored/Funded Work
    Work that is either created by the DoD or for the DoD is required to have CUI markings and DoD Distribution Statements.
    JANNAF DoD/DoDCON Publication Clearance Form

  2. Other Government Sponsored/Funded Work
    Work funded by the U.S. Government (but not DoD) is required to have CUI markings.
    JANNAF FED/FEDCON Publication Clearance Form

  3. Non-Government Sponsored/Funded Work
    Work that is NOT funded by the U.S. Government in any way may require an ITAR Control Statement.
    JANNAF Non-Government Publication Clearance Form

If possible JANNAF prefers unclassified information to be published at the DoD Distribution Statement C or CUI FEDCON level. This ensures access to DoD, NASA, and their contractors. The use of modified DoD distribution statements is possible to include NASA by utilizing the REL TO ammendment. See DoDI 5230.24 for information and consult your security officer.

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